What is Reddit and How to Use it as Content Creators?
May 24, 2024

5 mins read

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Reddit has been crazy this year. Starting with its IPO and the recent GME/ AMC boom due to r/wallstreetbets. On Reddit IPO statement, the platform is determined to support the user economy, content creation, and  advertisements.

I believe it is wise for content creators to jump on Reddit and build up a following in niche communities early. Having a high karma and large following will be advantageous with Reddit's algorithm. Let's start off with a short intro on What kind of platform is Reddit first. 

What is Reddit?

Reddit, play on the words "I read it, is a global online community platform where users can join and create communities, known as subreddits, based on specific interests. Reddit serves as a space for sharing information, engaging in conversations, exploring hobbies, and exchanging goods and services. Subreddits cover a wide range of topics, allowing users to dive into anything that interests them. However, Mods are very strict on content posted on Subreddits and you could get banned if you ignored warnings twice. 

The platform prioritizes user anonymity, fostering authentic and candid interactions. Users contribute by posting content, commenting, and moderating their communities, making Reddit a dynamic and evolving digital city built on shared passions and trust.

How to Grow Your Reddit Account

Other than building up a following to grow your Reddit account, focus on earning Karma, which reflects your reputation on the platform. Start by creating high-quality posts and comments that others find valuable and upvote. Engage actively in various subreddits by sharing insightful, helpful, or entertaining content. Make sure to participate respectfully and constructively, as this helps you "play well with others" and earn more Karma. Remember, there are different types of Karma:

  • Post Karma from upvoted posts
  • Comment Karma from upvoted comments
  • Community Karma from upvotes within specific subreddits
  • Some subreddits may use combined Karma (post plus comment Karma) or have specific Karma requirements for posting and commenting.

In another words, you need to post what people like on each community, aka Subreddit. Engage with people whenever you post to boost your post visibility, comment and community karma.

Subreddits for Creators

Here are some Subreddits that can help and answer your questions related to content creation and creative career.

Safe to Post NSFW Content on Reddit

A social platform segmented with niche communities mean that there are numerous NSFW Subreddits. To be exact, the size of NSFW communities is one fifth of all Subreddits. Here is a NSFW Subreddit list with description and number of Redditors.

Posting NSFW content on Reddit can be done safely by taking several precautions to protect your identity and privacy. Here are a few tips:

  • Use a burner email and create a throwaway account with no real personal information to avoid linking your NSFW posts to your main profile.
  • Avoid showing your face and blur or obscure any identifiable features such as tattoos or unique background items that could reveal your identity. Don't underestimate the power of Redditors looking you up.
  • Be mindful of the environment in which you take photos to ensure that it is not recognizable.

Following these steps can help minimize the risk of your NSFW content being traced back to you, allowing you to share content while maintaining your anonymity.

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